Fire Safety Accessories & Supplies
Applications such as auto spray booths, open-faced spray booths, chemical storage areas and special hazards are protected by industrial fire suppression systems. These dry chemical based systems are pre-engineered and customized for your specific application. Their presence ensures the necessary fire protection without interfering with work operations.
Systems will automatically detect a fire and activate and also include means for manual activation.
Our collection of fire safety accessories includes:
Wall Mounting Brackets
NFPA and OSHA require proper mounting of fire extinguishers in your business. The right bracket is necessary to ensure a proper install and safety for all occupants.
Vehicle Mounting Brackets
Fire extinguishers in a commercial vehicle, motor craft, or watercraft not only require regular maintenance but proper installation. Vehicles subject to D.O.T. regulations need the proper vehicle mounting brackets for their fire extinguishers.
Inspection Tags
OSHA requires monthly inspections. This tag accommodates the documentation of monthly inspection. A variety of additional monthly inspection tags are available.
Tamper Seals
A tamper seal is installed on a fire extinguisher to show that it is ready for use. When a fire occurs, the seal is broken, allowing for use. These must include the date and show you if the extinguisher has been tampered with or needs maintenance and testing.
Visibility to fire extinguishers and fire equipment is a requirement. A variety of signs and markers make it easy to comply with this.
Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
Some businesses mount fire extinguishers directly to the wall. If your fire extinguisher is in a high-traffic area, a cabinet is beneficial. Cabinets help reduce unwanted damage and provide protection from the elements in outdoor applications. Numerous styles of cabinets allow for partial or full recess of the cabinet for ADA compliance. These also provide a variety of contemporary and traditional designs.
What to Expect with WFX Fire, Lock & Security?
You can count on WFX to keep you safe and in compliance. We review every element of your fire protection plan including the minor details. To learn more about what kind of fire extinguisher you may need click here. If you would like to purchase a fire extinguisher you may stop in any of our showrooms as we have them in stock. Please call our experienced team of technicians today to schedule your consultation.