Understanding Fire Code Compliance
Here is a look at the most common regulation questions we hear and their answers.
What are the regulations for fire extinguishers?
OSHA requires that all fire extinguishers undergo a monthly inspection. NFPA requires yearly maintenance. They also require fire extinguishers be emptied at six years for an internal inspection. The NFPA also has stipulations for hydrostatic testing. Dry chemical and halogenated extinguishers need it every twelve years and carbon dioxide and water-based extinguishers every five years.
What regulations do I need to know for my fire suppression system?
- The NFPA requires semi-annual maintenance of all fire suppression systems as well as manufacturer’s manual. They also require an internal inspection every six years for dry chemical systems and hydrostatic testing every twelve years.
- All fusible and metal alloy links must be replaced every six months. Restaurant suppression systems must also comply with UL300 or equivalent standards.
What requirements does my business need to follow for emergency and exit lighting?
- OSHA requires adequate reliable lighting for all exits from your building as well as proper maintenance to assure it works.
- NFPA requires specific lighting and performance of emergency and exit to ensure it will remain lit during a fire and/or power outage. A monthly inspection must be performed as well as an annual test to remain compliant.
- While building owners/tenants typically perform a quick monthly check, WFX provides complete annual inspections to ensure batteries, bulbs & fixtures are in safe working order.
Are there any regulations for fire alarms in a business?
- Annual inspection of systems is required by NFPA, and ensures the system is in proper working order, battery backups are sufficient, devices and pull stations function properly and the system properly communicates with the central station.
- WFX also offers cleaning and testing of alarm devices, which is sometimes necessary due to facility conditions.
How can WFX Services help?
WFX Services helps businesses maintain these regulations with little effort on your part. We discuss your needs, code requirements, and safety goals to personalize a fire safety and inspection plan that most benefits your business. Once you become one of our clients, the system is put on autopilot so you can continue with your other important responsibilities.
For more information on any of these regulations, visit OSHA or NFPA.